Friday 9 September 2016

Tidy up the garden before Autumn arrives

Its always a good idea to tidy up the garden at your Sheffield home before Autumn arrives.

With the harsher weather that Autumn brings to this region of South Yorkshire it makes good practice to start completing those gardening jobs that you've been putting off.

As the nights start to close in you may not be using your decking and patio for entertaining as much as you used to in Spring and Summer, you could therefore start by cleaning these off with the use of a cold water pressure washer.

One of these tools can rapidly clean-down the decking and patio slabs, removing built in dirt and grime as well as moss.

Give the lawn a good cut

If you have a lawn in your Sheffield garden it's time to start really tidying it up before the cooler weather of Autumn arrives. Here a rotary mower can be really useful by cutting grass of varying heights - even over any bumps and hollows that might be present.

Make repairs to any fencing that is broken

Before the nights really start to draw-in you could look at repairing or replacing any broken fence posts or panels that are not up to scratch. Most diy stores such as B and Q or Wickes sell a selection of fence panels as well as new wooden or concrete fence posts.

Fencing and posts can be installed easily with the use of the right tool, consider maybe using a cordless drill driver for driving screws and fasteners into the fencing as well as maybe a post hole borer if you need to dig some holes for any new fence posts that might be needed.

Fix any loose stonework or patio slabs  

If you have any stonework or maybe patio slabs that are broken, loose, or cracked - consider repairing or replacing them before Autumn arrives. If you need to mix any mortar or cement it is better to do so whilst the weather is still good at this time of year.

If you have a large area of stonework or garden masonry that needs attention you might want to consider using a cement mixer to speed the mixing of mortar up? The same goes if you need to lay some fresh concrete.

Get rid of any weeds

It's really important that you get rid of any weeds in your garden before Autumn arrives, otherwise they might start to really take hold and get out of hand. To carry this job out you could remove the weeds by hand, use a mechanical weeding tool (as can be purchased from most garden centres) or apply a suitable weed killer. You could also use a butane gas weed burner known commonly as a weed-wand.

Turn-over the soil in your garden borders

If your a keen gardener and enjoy growing plants and maybe vegetables in your Sheffield garden - this time of year is good for preparing the soil in readiness for the next seasons growing period.

If you have taken time to remove all of the surface weeds in your borders, now is the time to turn the soil over, maybe also adding a slow release fertiliser or some grit and sand to improve soil drainage.

To do this job in a speedy way you could consider using a petrol garden rotavator. One of these products will easily turn the soil over as needed, allowing air and moisture to penetrate deep down.

Tidy Up The Garden

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